Inventionland Innovates and Invents New Products Everyday
Inventionland's invented products have sold in 1200 retail stores and online sites nationally and internationally. This success prompted the company to gather its expertise and create once again. This creation became course material and teacher resources that transform classrooms into productive maker and STEAM environments.
Teachers Get the Backing of an Expert in Inventing
Inventionland's real-world expertise is a proven, successful method to engage students for a semester and a lifetime. Teachers take students through the world of inventing, innovating and entrepreneurship. Imagine re-awakening students' sense of observation, seeing opportunities, brainstorming ideas, researching viability while working in an engaged environment. Imagine a classroom where, led by teachers, build their own invention and learn real world skills that include packaging and presenting to an audience of their peers, teachers or seasoned local business professionals.
Provides Teacher and Student Outcomes
The materials have been aligned with Next Generation Science Standards as well as the disciplines included in STEAM education. Let Inventionland provide you with the tools that will help you prompt engagement and collaboration in the classroom today while building skills that will make your classroom a lifetime memory.